Admission Requirements
Admission to the M.Sc. program will require an undergraduate Bachelor's Honours degree, or equivalent from a recognized University. Applicants with non-honours Bachelor's degrees may be considered for admission based on subsequent equivalent research experience (e.g., honours equivalent). Admission to the Ph.D. program will require a Masters' level research degree from a recognized University. For either the M.Sc. or Ph.D. program, students may be accepted with degrees in a variety of relevant science disciplines, including, for example, neuroscience, psychology, biology, medical sciences, biochemistry, etc.
Applicants will be required to identify one or more faculty members in Psychiatry who might serve as MSc thesis or PhD dissertation supervisors. It is expected that students will contact these faculty members at the time of application and discuss the faculty member's potential role as supervisor. A faculty member must agree to serve as the student's thesis or dissertation research supervisor for the full duration of the degree program before a student can be admitted. Joint supervision ("co-supervision") will be permitted.
Applicants to either the MSc or PhD program must arrange for at least two individuals who are familiar with their academic and research experience and their potential as psychiatric researchers to complete and submit reference letters directly to the Department of Psychiatry. Applicants must also submit a written personal statement describing their goals and interests with respect to the MSc or PhD program, as well as indicating a potential research supervisor/co-supervisors and topic within the department and a current copy of their CV listing funding, publications, and presentations to date. Applicants must satisfy the general requirements for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.