Staff - Engineering Mathematics


Newhook, J., BEng, MASc (TUNS), PhD (Dalhousie), PEng

Department Head

Fenton, G.A., BEng, MEng (Carleton), MA, PhD (Princeton), PEng, FEIC, FCAE, cross appointment with Civil Engineering


Fenton, G.A., BEng, MEng (Carleton), MA, PhD (Princeton), PEng.  Geotechnical design, risk assessment of geotechnical systems
Iakovlev, S., MEng, PhD (St. Petersburg Marine Technical University), PEng. Mathematical modeling of non-stationary fluid-structure interaction
Kember, G. C., BSc, MSc, PhD (UWO). Networked neural control, industrial control over IP, asymptotic methods, biological signal processing
Robertson, W., BSc (Eng Hons), MSc (Aberdeen), PhD (TUNS), PEng. Network communications, quality of service, wireless networks

Associate Professors

Gentleman, W. C., BEng (hons.) (McGill), PhD (Dartmouth College). Modeling marine zooplankton and ecosystem dynamics

Assistant Professor

Hammad, I., BSc (PSUT), MASc, PhD (Dalhousie), P.Eng., Al in Nuclear Energy, Al Accelerators, Cybersecurity, Intelligent Systems and IoT    

Senior Instructors     

Yao, E., BSc (ECNU, China) MSc (SHU, China), MASc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Naghibi, F., BSc (StFX), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie), P.Eng


Latka, J., Beng (Dalhousie), MSc (Dalhousie), EIT

Adjunct (FGS)

Ajijola, O., MD (Duke), PhD (UCLA)
DiBacco, C., BSc (Dalhousie) MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (UC Sandiago)
Olivera, R., BEng (Western Institute of Technology in Guadalajara), MSc (La Universidad de Guadalajara), PhD (Waterloo) 
Perrie, W., BSc (University of Toronto), PhD (MIT)