Rau-Chaplin, A., BcS (York), McS, PhD (Carleton), High Performance Computing, Parallel Algorithms, Data Mining & Warehousing, and Risk Analytics
Associate Deans
Blouin, C., BSc (Laval), PhD (Dalhousie), Protein evolution and biophysics, Algorithms, Biogenetics, High-performance computing, Statistical mechanics, Molecular modeling
Zincir-Heywood, A. N., BSc, MSc, PhD (Ege Univ), Network security, Network management and Network information retrieval
Graduate Administrators
Professor Emeritus
Shepherd, M. A., MSc, PhD (Western), Hypertext, Information retrieval, Web information systems, Electronic news, Information filtering, Health informatics
Slonim, J., BSc (UBC), MSc (Western), PhD (Kansas), Electronic Commerce, Software Engineering Databases, Distributed Databases, Software Testing, Transaction Management, Software Architecture
Watters, C. R., BSc, MSc, MLS (Western), PhD (TUNS), Information retrieval, Web information systems, Virtual documents, Hypertext
Abidi, S., BEng (NED, Eng and Tech), MSc (Miami), PhD (Surrey), Knowledge management, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Informatics, Knowledge discovery and data mining, Neural Networks, Enterprise Information Systems
Arnold, D., Diploma (Dortmund), MSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (Dortmund), Evolutionary computation, Optimization
Beiko, R. G., BSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Ottawa), Computational biology, Graph algorithms, Machine learning, Evolutionary algorithms, High-performance computing
Blouin, C., BSc (Laval), PhD (Dalhousie), Protein evolution and biophysics, Algorithms, Phylogenetics, High-performance computing, Statistical mechanics, Molecular modeling
Blustein, J., BSc, MSc, PhD (Western), Hypertext and digital libraries, Human-computer interaction, Postcolonial computing
Bodorik, P., BSc (Calgary), MEng, PhD (Carleton), Databases and Distributed databases, Architectural support for operating systems
Brooks, S., BSc (Brock), MSc (UBC), PhD (Cambridge), Computer graphics, image editing and visualization
Heywood, M., BEng (Plymouth), PhD (Essex), Genetic programming; Classification; Reinforcement learning, Evolutionary gaming
Keselj, V., BSc (Belgrade), MSc, PhD (Waterloo), Natural language processing, Text mining, Information retrieval, Multiagent systems, Algorithmic number theory
Matwin, S., MSc, PhD (Warsaw), DSc (Pol Acad of Sci), Machine learning, Data mining, Text mining
Milios, E., Dipl Eng (NTUA), SM, EE, PhD (MIT), Networked information spaces, Machine learning, Text mining, Visual text analytics
Ralph, P., BComm, BSc (Memorial), PhD (UBC), Software engineering, Human-computer interaction, Agile methods, Human-centred design, Game deveopment, Software design, Research methods, Qualitative methods
Sampalli, S., BEng (Bangalore), PhD (Indian Institute of Science), Network security, High-performance routing and switching, Hybrid (wireless and optical) networks design, Active networks, Secure grid computing
Torgo, L., PhD (Porto), Machine learning, Utility-based predictive analytics, Time series forecasting, Spatial & spatiotemporal analytics
Trappenberg, T., MSc, PhD (RWTH Aachen), Computational neuroscience, Machine learning, Hierarchical temporal memory; Reinforcement learning; Self-organizing maps; Dynamic neural field theory; Classification and modeling, Learning and memory
Ye, Q., BEng, MEng (Harbin), PhD (Alberta), Mobile and wireless neworks, Internet of things, Network security, Cloud computing, Data Analytics
Zeh, N., MCS (Dipl-Inf) (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena), PhD (Carleton), Algorithms and data structures, I/O-efficient and cache-oblivious algorithms, Parallel algorithms, Graph algorithms, Computational geometry
Zincir-Heywood, A. N., BSc, MSc, PhD (Ege Univ), Network security, Network management and Network information retrieval
Associate Professors
Evans, R., BA (Exeter), MSc (Wales, PhD (Greenwich), Digital Innovation and Transformation, Design and Engineering Management, and Knowledge Management
Gagie, T., BSc (Queen's), MSc (Toronto), Dr rer nat (Bielefeld), Algorithms and data structures, Bioinformatics, Data compression
Haque, I., PhD (Alberta), Network design and optimization, Software devine networking, Internet of things, Cyber physical system
He, M., BEng (Nanjing P&T), MMath, PhD (Waterloo), Algorithms and data structures, Computational geometry
McAllister, M., BMath (Waterloo), MS, PhD (UBC)
Oore, S., BSc Hon (Dalhousie), MSc, PhD (Toronto), Machine learning, Deep learning, Computational creativity, Neural networks
Orji, R., BSc (UNIZIK), MSc (METU), PhD (Saskatchewan), Human-computer interaction, persuasive technology, Behaviour change systems, Games for change, Personalized and adaptive systems, Human-computer interaction for health, Human-computer interaction for deveopment
Reilly, D., BA Hons (McGill), BEd (Queen's), PhD (Dalhousie), Ubiquitous computing, Collaborative technology, Information visualization, Mixed reality, Human-computer interaction
Rudzicz, F., BSc (Concordia), MEng (McGill), PhD (Toronto), Machine learning in healthcare, Natural language processing
Sajjad, H., BCS, MCS (Nat'l Univ. Comp. & Emerg.Sciences), PhD (Stuttgart), Deep learning, Natural language processing, Explainable AI
Assistant Professors
Barrera Machuca, M., BA (Technologico de Monterrey), MSc (Tasmana), PhD (Simon Fraser), Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Human-Computer interaction, User Interface
Escobedo Bravo, L.,BS (UABC), MSc (CICESE), PhD (UABC), Human computer interaction, Ubicomp, Children-computer interation, Accessible computing
Hernandez-Castillo, C., BSc, MSc, PhD (Veracruzana), Neuroscience, Artificial intelligence
Maguire, F., MA (Oxford), PhD (Univ. College London), joint appointment with Dept. of Community Health & Epidemiology (Medicine), Genomic Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Microbial Bioinformatics, Health Data Science, Computational Social Science
Malloch, J., BA (Dalhousie), MA, PhD (McGill), Human computer interaction
Poitras, E., BA (Moncton), MA, PhD (McGill), Adaptive instructional systems and technologies, Immersive reality for mobile and wearable devices, Educational data mining and learning analytics, Self-regulated learning, Computer science education
Rahman, M., BSc (Bangladesh), MSc, PhD (Saskatchewan), Software Engineering
Sharma, T., BE (Rajasthan), MS (IIT-Madras), PhD (AUEB, Greece), Software engineering, Software design and architecture, Software quality, Applied machine learning for software engineering
Tang, Y., BEng (Lanzhou Jiotong), MEng (Harbin Inst. Tech.), PhD (Waterloo), B5G/6G networks, Internet of Things, Machine learning
Wehbe, R. R, BSc (York), MSc (UOIT), PhD (Waterloo), Human computer interaction, Mixed Reality (MR), Games4Change
Whidden, C., BCS, MCS, PhD (Dalhousie), Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Combinatorics, Deep learning, Graph theory, Lateral gene transfer, Microbial communities, Oceans, Human microbiome, Phylogenetics
Wu, G., BCS (Northwest Normal), MC (Austalian Nat'l), PhD (Toronto), Deep learning
University Teaching Fellows
Brodsky, A., BMath (Waterloo), MSc, PhD (UBC)
Kalyaniwalla, N., BSc (Xavier's), MS, PhD (RPI)
Senior Instructors
Aziz, K., BSc (UET Lahore), MSc (NUS), PhD (TU Wien)
MacKay, B., BA (Mt. Allison), BTHMgmt (MSVU), PhD (Dalhousie)
Sampangi, R., BEng (NIE), MTech (UOM), PhD (Dalhousie)
Siegel, A., BSc (Eckerd), MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
DeGagne, C., BSc (Brandon), MSc (Bristol), PhD (Dalhousie)
Hawkey, R., BCS (Dalhousie)
Adjunct (FGS)
Abusharekh, A., BSc (Al-Azhar), MSc, PhD (George Mason)
Alshammari, R., BCS, MCS, PhD (Dalhousie)
Alshirhani, A., BCS (Jouf), MCS, PhD (Dalhousie)
Baltzer, O., MEng (Technik und Wirtschaft), MSc (Reading), PhD (Dalhousie)
Dividino, R., Dipl (Lyon), BCS (Brazil), MCS (Saarlandes), PhD (Koblenz-Landau)
Etemad, E., BCE, MCE (Isfahan), PhD (Dalhousie)
Guidotti, R., BS, MS, PhD (Pisa)
Heggie, C., BA (Dalhousie)
Hessler, I., BSc, MSc (FU Berlin), PhD (Bremen)
Jutla, D., BSc (West Indies), MCS, PhD (TUNS)
Kayacik, H., BSc (Ege), MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)
Kirsebom, O., BSc , PhD (Aarhus)
Klement, W., BSc, MSc, PhD (Ottawa)
Kosmajac, D., BEng (East Sarajevo), MECE (Novi Sad), PhD (Dalhousie)
Liu, K., BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo)
Lucic, V., Dipl. Ing. E. Eng. (Univ Nis), MASc, PhD (Waterloo)
Luo, X., BCS (Huazhong), PhD (Dalhousie)
Maguitman, A., Lic, Mag (Nacional del Sur), PhD (Indiana)
Makanju, T., BSc (Lagos), MCS, PhD (Dalhousie)
Manero, J., , BSc, MSc, PhD (Catalonia)
Massicotte, F., BMath, MCS (Laval), MEng, PhD (Carleton)
McAllister, T., BSc, MSc (Alberta), PhD (Guelph)
McIntyre, A., BSc, (Mt. Allison), PhD (Dalhousie)
Monreale, A., BSc, MSc, PhD (Pisa)
Prezza, N., BSc, MSc, PhD (Udine)
Rajabi, E., BSEng (Razi), MSEng (Ferdowsi), PhD (Alcala)
Roy, P., BSc, BASc (Quebec, Chicoutimi), MS (Quebec, Montreal), PhD (Sherbrooke)
Schwartzentruber, J., BEng, MASc, PhD (Ryerson)
Sherkat, E., BSCE (Isfahan), MSC (Tehran, PhD (Dalhousie)
Shepherd, M. A., MSc, PhD (Western)
Silver, D., BSc (Acadia), MSc, PhD (Western)
Soares, A., BCS, MCS (Paraiba), PhD (Pernambuco)
Soto, A., BSc, PhD (Nacional del Sur)
Trubiani, C., BSc, MSc, PhD (L'Aquila)
Van Woensel, W., BSc, MSc, PhD (FU Brussels)
Wilson, G., BA, MCS, PhD (Dalhousie)
Yousefi, J., BSc (Shahid Bahonar), MSc (Concordia), PhD (Guelph)
Zarb, M., BSc, PhD (Dundee)
Cross Appointments
Abidi, S., MBBS (Karachi), MSc (Sains Malaysia), PhD (Dalhousie), Health Knowledge Management, Critical Decision Support, Health Knowledge Modeling and Computerization, Patient-Centered Care, Comorbid Care Planning, Knowledge Translation, Health Information Systems, Evaluation of Health Information Systems
Abramsom, D., BA Hons (Toronto), MSc, PhD (Indiana), Philosophy of computing, Philosophy of cognitive science, Philosophy of mind
Brown, C., BSc (Reading), PhD (Portsmouth), Seafloor habitat mapping, Benthic ecology, Benthic monitoring, Ocean technology
Conrad, C., BA Hons(Dalhousie), MA (Queens), MEC, PhD (Dalhousie), Data science, Educational & informational services, Human information interaction
Eskes, G., AB Hons, PhD (Berkeley), Software applications relating to cognitive function in health and disease
Janssen, J., MSc (Eindhoven), PhD (Lehigh), Analysis and modelling of self-organizing networks, combinatorial optimization
Lehmann, C., MD, PhD (Humboldt), FRCPC (Dalhousie), Immune consequences of inflammation, Intravital imaging, Pharmacological approaches
Meier, S., BSc, MSc (Basel), PhD (Heidelberg), Levering technology for mental health care in youth
Nunes, A., BSc (Western), MBA, MD (Alberta), PhD, FRCPC (Dalhousie), Computational psychopathology and heterogeneity of mental illness
Sampalli, T., BEng (Bangalore), MASc, PhD, (Dalhousie)
Selinger, P., PhD (Univ Pennsylvania), Mathematics and Statistics. Semantics of programming languages; Quantum computing
Seto, M., BASc, MASc, PhD (UBC), PEng, Autonomous systems, Multi-robot collaboration, Fault tolerance, Embedded programming, Vehicle dynamics and control, Water acoustics
Smit, M., BSc, McS, (Hons) (Dalhousie), PhD (Alberta), cloud computing, tool support for research dissemination, discovery in research communities, management of cloud-scale data, enabling open information
Wach, G., BA (Hons) (UWO), MSc (South Carolina), PhD (Oxford), Petroleum Geoscience, Basin and field analysis and stratigraphy, Modelling, Reservoir Characterization and provenance studies