Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Total Credit Hours Required: 12 credit hours

Core Courses (6 credit hours)

BIOL 5700.03: Communication Skills
BIOL 5710.03: Graduate Module Class I
BIOL 9000.00: MSc Thesis

General Electives (6 credit hours)

At least 6 credit hours of Graduate electives selected in consultation with the supervisory committee. Electives may be from other departments or the Faculty of Agriculture, or may be additional module classes taken in the form of BIOL 5720 or BIOL 5730 following completion of BIOL 5710.

Additional Requirements

As part of their graduate training, all students must teach in at least two 3 credit hour undergraduate courses. Students with external supervisors may teach in classes in the supervisor’s home Department or Faculty. Only demonstrator, not marker, positions can be used to fulfil this requirement.
Students must take an admission to candidacy examination during the first nine months. Students are expected to participate in weekly departmental seminars.