Program Requirements

Course Requirements

Total Credit Hours Required: 27 credit hours

Core Courses (0 credit hours)

IENG 7000.00: Graduate Seminar I

General Electives (27 credit hours)

Electives will be selected in consultation with the program coordinator. Not more than 12 credit hours of senior undergraduate courses, in the area of a student’s interest, not taken by the student for previous credit, may be included in the program, subject to approval.

Additional Requirements

Students who do not have an Industrial Engineering background are required to take IENG 6900: Industrial Engineering Methodologies and IENG 6912: Introduction to Operations Research.

MEng students taking IENG 7000 are expected to attend and participate in all Graduate seminars held in the department throughout the duration of the student’s residency period.

Completion of an optional project to meet part of the general elective requirements (IENG 8900.06: MEng Project) requires appointment of a project supervisor and submission of a final report to be assessed by the project supervisor and an internal reader.

Program-level Policies

The following program-level policies apply. For more information, please contact the program directly.

MEng students are allowed to repeat only one course during their program in the Faculty of Engineering and are not eligible to write supplementary examinations.

Co-operative Internship Project Option

This program may offer the option for students to complete their project as a co-operative internship. Participation in this option is subject to approval by the graduate coordinator and supervising faculty member, and usually requires the student to secure their own internship placement with an employer. These arrangements are typically agreed upon prior to beginning the program.

The academic requirements of the project do not change. The student may spend either 8 or 12 months in a paid co-op internship during their program. During this time, the student must be continuously enrolled in REGN 9999 and the project course, and the student will continue to pay all relevant tuition and fees associated with full-time enrollment. Throughout the internship, the student will work on a research project that will form the basis of their project course. The student should also complete the “Co-op Orientation” course offered by the Work-Integrated Learning & Co-operative Education Office before commencing their internship.

The timing of co-operative internship is set by the supervising committee of the graduate student taking into consideration the requirements of the research project as well as the needs of the student and the employer. The supervising committees shall adhere to the following guidelines:

  • A co-operative internship will not normally be permitted in the final term of the student’s program. This is to ensure that the student can focus on completing the academic elements of their project and any required oral examinations and presentations.
  • A co-operative internship will not normally be permitted in the MEng program until at least 12 credit hours of courses have been successfully completed.
  • Provided the conditions above are satisfied, timing of the internships may be arranged in any combination that suits the student’s research plan.

The usual upper time limits for the completion of a co-operative internship project as part of the Master's degrees remain the same: four years for full-time and five years for part-time studies. The supervisory committee for the project will typically include the student's industrial supervisor as a member, or if appropriate (based on Faculty of Graduate Studies and Faculty of Engineering regulations), as a project co-supervisor. This arrangement should be agreed upon by the academic supervisor and the company before the student begins the program.

International students considering a co-operative internship option must apply for and receive their Co-op Work Permit prior to the start of the first co-operative internship.