Course Descriptions MGMT 5000X/Y    Social Innovation Lab
This course places management in its broadest context and helps students from diverse disciplines explore the complex social, economic, ecological, political and technological forces shaping efforts at social innovation in the public, private and non-profit sectors. The course is characterized by a strong emphasis on teamwork and effective problem solving in inter-professional environments. The major focus of the course is the Social Innovation Lab group project. Interdisciplinary teams of 4-6 students will spend the semester working on live projects hosted by organizations from across Nova Scotia. The primary goals of the projects are for the student groups to provide value in the form of generating and assessing the feasibility of new ideas and possibilities for a partner organization and for the partner organization to contribute to the professional and academic development of the students. Additionally, these projects are intended to provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in the complexities of an inter-professional work environment; develop and hone tools and skill sets that are part of various professional disciplines; gain a greater understanding of the issues at hand when organizations work to integrate the seemingly disparate worlds of governance, business, environment and society in the information age; and enhance leadership and teamwork skills that can be transferred to future work experiences.
  • Lecture
  • Tutorial

FORMAT COMMENTS: group work/class participation

MGMT 5001   Information, People and Society. Part 1
This course provides an introduction to the economic, political, and social dimensions of an information-rich environment. Includes consideration of the historical development of information and knowledge production, issues of control versus free flow of information management in support of situational understanding and decision-making, the organization of knowledge, and the ethical and legal aspects of information management.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5002   Organization of Information, Part 1
Information management is the management of organizational processes and systems that acquire, create, organize, distribute, and use information. This course examines the various means by which information can be organized to facilitate its retrieval, management and use, and provides an overview of the principles and theories of metadata development and implementation in the digital environment. Emphasis will be placed on metadata interoperability, vocabulary control, standardization, quality control and evaluation. Contextually-relevant information is essential to support decision making and strategic planning by individuals, groups and organizations. An introduction to the principles of IA is included, as they interconnect with best practices in the Organization of Information.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5003   Information Systems & Technologies, Part 1
This course makes clear the relationship between IT and IM, often misconstrued in organizations. The course includes theories of databases and integrated systems design, allied with practical applications of a wide range of information technologies to support organizational goals. These include traditional intranet and extranet applications along with emerging Web 2.0 technologies. Concepts of information architecture (IA) are introduced relating to the design of shared information environments which are often web-based, including intranets, databases and online communities. The practices of IA are examined through analyses of real organizations and how the information environment can best serve their mission, goals, processes, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5004   User Experience, Part 1
Understanding of theories and practices of human computer interaction is a key determinant of organizational success. This course explores how technology affects human use, and examines the process from conception of an idea to design and evaluation, with a particular emphasis on Web-based activities. The course discusses individuals’ and groups’ information seeking behaviours in public and private contexts, and the theories and models of information seeking behaviour that contribute to a nuanced understanding of the user experience.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5005   Information Policy, Part 1
This course explores a range of critical information issues facing organizations and the effects of policies and legislation on information management and organizational effectiveness. Topics include access to information, freedom of information, protection of privacy, preservation of information, etc. Professional ethics guiding information professionals are discussed alongside compliance. By law(s) in Canada, all government and corporate entities are required to appoint an individual responsible for privacy within the organization, and all government and selected other agencies are required to delegate staff responsible for information access and privacy. Discusses the roles of all levels of government, the private and not-for-profit sectors, and key individuals, in developing policies which affect information creation, control, access and use. Focuses on Canadian issues, while including international perspectives.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5006   Program Evaluation, Part 1
Introduces the concepts and components of evaluation as part of the increasing demand for accountability and as an integral part of program management. The course uses evaluation theory and program theory as the basis for all evaluation activity. Connection will be made with current evaluation issues and debates in the public and non-profit sectors.
FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5007   Research Methods, Part 1
Introduces concepts, methods (both quantitative and qualitative), and the practices of research that support evidence-based information management practice. Addresses the nature and uses of research, tools for research, handling of evidence, analysis and interpretation of findings, reporting of results, evaluation of published reports, and the management of research.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5008   Knowledge Management, Part 1
Knowledge management (KM) encompasses a range of theories and practices relating to the creation, identification, accumulation and application of knowledge to meet organizational goals. This course discusses theories of KM, intellectual capital and learning organizations, and practices for efficient and effective harnessing of organizational knowledge. An integrative approach is adopted, based on the key KM theories and concepts developed in the past decade and applying them across a wide range of organizational settings.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5009   Collaboration, Part 1 (Elective)
Geographically dispersed workplace teams who cross time, space and organizational boundaries are increasingly common. Information managers increasingly contribute expertise to ensure that such teams have effective decision-making processes and contribute to organizational strategic goals. Virtual collaboration can take place through many modes including audio or teleconferencing, online communities and others. Team members have a common purpose and interdependent organizational and performance goals. This course introduces theories and concepts relating to the rationale for, benefits and challenges of virtual workplace teams, steps for developing effective virtual teams and examples of technology that supports such teams.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5010   Project Management, Part 1 (Elective)
This course introduces theories and practices of project management (PM) related to project objectives, development stages and control variables such as time, cost and scope. PM stages include initiation, development, execution and maintenance and the course explores these through workplace case studies related to students’ professional experience. Adaptive as well as pre-planned methods and approaches are explored, including process based systems, critical path and event chain.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5011   Management of Privacy, Part I
This course provides an overview of privacy and how it impacts organizations in both the private and public sectors. In this course we will address the various ways of identifying and mitigating privacy risk.
NOTES: Distance/Online: Lectures and online discussions, synchronous and asynchronous, all online via Brightspace Course Mgmt System
FORMAT: Online Delivery
FORMAT COMMENTS: Lectures and online discussions, synchronous and asynchronous, all online via Brightspace Course Management System
RESTRICTIONS: Restricted to students registered in the Master of Information Management program

MGMT 5012   Records Management, Part 1 (Elective)
How organizations engage in document or records management has a direct bearing on their efficiency and effectiveness, including legal and ethical compliance. The course offers a comprehensive introduction to the field of records and information management in all formats including, but not limited to, paper and digital. Topic covered include: records creation, evaluation, maintenance and control; records classification system; records retention; records disposition; and vital records and continuity planning.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.

MGMT 5015   Information Policy, Part 2
Course complements MGMT 5005.03 Part 1 and is a face-to-face, two day intensive period. Course will allow students to bring together and apply the concepts and materials from MGMT 5005, consider the international context within which information policy issues in Canada are situate, and to provide students with the opportunity for sufficient grounding in relevant areas of law.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion

FORMAT COMMENTS: Face-to-Face Intensives; students presentations

MGMT 5020   Capstone Course, Part 1
Based on individual learning objectives, students may choose either a case study or a research project as the final assessed item for the Program Structure. They will have been advised, in light of their interests, to take either MGMT 5006 or MGMT 5007 as preparation for the Capstone. Students work with an advisor, under the general supervision of the course instructor, to complete a case or a project of special relevance to their workplace. Cases and projects are assessed on the extent to which they demonstrate application of the theories and techniques explored throughout the program.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion
  • Online Delivery

FORMAT COMMENTS: Online via Brightspace including some or all of the following: voice-over presentations, video presentations, group discussions, instructor/student threaded discussions, hyper-linked lecture notes, live chat, etc.
PREREQUISITES: MGMT 5006.03 or MGMT 5007.03

MGMT 5101   Information, People and Society, Part 2
Course complements MGMT 5001: Part 1 and is a face-to-face, two day intensive period. Course will outline and emphasize options and strategies to address information management issues arising in the context of topics considered in MGMT 5001 and developed from IM case studies. [A take home exam will be completed following the onsite intensive.]
  • Lecture
  • Discussion

FORMAT COMMENTS: Face-to-Face Intensives; students presentations

MGMT 5102   Organizational of Information, Part 2
Course complements MGMT 5002: Part 1 and is a face-to-face, two and a half day intensive period. Course will focus on practical applications of theories learned in MGMT 5002, notably metadata standards and document content management systems. [A take home test will be completed as part of this intensive.]
  • Lecture
  • Discussion

FORMAT COMMENTS: Face-to-Face Intensives; students presentations

MGMT 5103   Information Systems and Technology, Part 2
This course complements MGMT 5003 and is a face-to-face, two and a half day intensive period. Course will focus on the practical applications of theories learned in MGMT 5003, notably working in an "always on" information environment, business intelligence, influences of the "mash-up" and social networking.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion

FORMAT COMMENTS: Face-to-Face Intensives; students presentations

MGMT 5104   User Experience, Part 2
Course complements MGMT 5004 and is a face-to-face, two day intensive period. Course will build on knowledge gained during the online course MGMT 5004. Students will learn and practice effective ways to present plans and findings from usability studies, and work as a team during a mock UCD process.
  • Lecture
  • Discussion

FORMAT COMMENTS: Face-to-Face Intensives; students presentations

MGMT 5105   Government Structure and Organization
This course focuses on the Canadian system of government and addresses basic organizational theory and design as well as fundamental issues of public management.
FORMAT: Online Delivery
FORMAT COMMENTS: Distance/online and 2.5 day (classroom) intensive session
RESTRICTIONS: Master of Public Administration - Management; Graduate Diploma in Public Administration - Management