
Below you will find descriptions for courses offered in this field of study.  You will find a general overview of the topics covered and any prerequisite course or grade requirements, credit value and exclusions.

Some courses are listed as exclusionary to one another.  This means that students may not take both courses so designated. 

Not all courses are offered each year.  Please consult the current timetable for this year’s offering.  For further information please contact the department.

Course Descriptions

PLEASE NOTE: Every course listed may not be offered each year. As well, teaching assignments may be subject to change. For an up-to-date listing, please consult the current law school timetable and course selection materials.

A. First Year Courses (all compulsory)

LAWS 1008.01: Introduction to Legal Ethics and the Regulation of the Legal Profession
LAWS 1013.025/ LAWS 1023.025: Fundamentals of Public Law
LAWS 1014.015/ LAWS 1024.015: Legal Research and Writing
LAWS 1017.01/ LAWS 1027.01: African Nova Scotians/Critical Race Theory
LAWS 1019.01/ LAWS 1029.01: Aboriginal and Indigenous Law in Context
LAWS 1110.025/ LAWS 1120.025: Contracts and Judicial Decision-Making
LAWS 1111.025/ LAWS 1121.025: Criminal Justice - The Individual and the State
LAWS 1115.025/ LAWS 1125.025: Property in its Historical Context
LAWS 1116.025/ LAWS 1126.025 Tort Law and Damage Compensation

B. Second Year Required Courses

LAWS 2361.025/ LAWS 2362.025: Civil Procedure
LAWS 2062.05 (or LAWS 2315.025 and LAWS 2325.025): Constitutional Law
LAWS 2311.005/ LAWS 2321.005: Second Year Moot

C. Second or Third Year Required Course

LAWS 2099.02: The Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility

D. Second and Third Year Optional Courses

LAWS 2000.04: Administrative Law
LAWS 2001.03: Maritime Law and Practice
LAWS 2002.04: Business Associations
LAWS 2003.13: Clinical Law
LAWS 2005.04: Private International Law
LAWS 2006.03: Corporate Finance
LAWS 2008.04: Evidence
LAWS 2009.03: Comparative Criminal Law
LAWS 2010.02: Insurance Law
LAWS 2012.03: International Law
LAWS 2013.03: Judicial Remedies
LAWS 2014.03: Labour Law I
LAWS 2015.03: Planning Law
LAWS 2018.03: Youth and the Law
LAWS 2019.03: Law and Technology
LAWS 2020.02: Fisheries Law
LAWS 2022.03: Law of the Sea
LAWS 2028.03: Copyright Law
LAWS 2029.04: Taxation I
LAWS 2031.02: Torts II
LAWS 2032.03: Written Advocacy
LAWS 2033.03: Equity and Trusts
LAWS 2039.03: Laskin Moot
LAWS 2040.03: Civil Trial Practice
LAWS 2041.03: Coastal Zone Management
LAWS 2045.03: Criminal Law Problems
LAWS 2046.03: Criminal Trial Practice
LAWS 2048.03: Employment Law
LAWS 2050.02: Estate Planning
LAWS 2051.03: International Environmental Law
LAWS 2052.02: Labour Law - Administration of the Collective Agreement
LAWS 2056.03: International Trade Law
LAWS 2059.02: Taxation III
LAWS 2066.03: Labour Law Problems
LAWS 2068.03: Ocean Law and Policy
LAWS 2069: Directed Research Papers:LAWS 2069, LAWS 2070, LAWS 2071, LAWS 2072
LAWS 2074.03: International Human Rights Law
LAWS 2075.03: Legislation
LAWS 2076.03: Poverty Law and Human Rights
LAWS 2079.02: Oil and Gas Law
LAWS 2081.02: Bankruptcy and Insolvency
LAWS 2087.03: Jurisprudence: Legal Theory in Social Context
LAWS 2091.04: Criminal Procedure
LAWS 2092.09: Clinical Class in Criminal Law
LAWS 2094.03: Comparative Constitutional Law
LAWS 2096.03: Entertainment Law
LAWS 2097.03: Immigration and Refugee Law
LAWS 2103.03: Jessup Moot.
LAWS 2104.03: Environmental Law I.
LAWS 2106.03: Taxation of Corporations
LAWS 2107.03: Gale Cup Moot Court Competition
LAWS 2110.04: Family Law
LAWS 2112.03: Financial Consequences of Marriage and Marriage Breakdown
LAWS 2113.03: Alternative Dispute Resolution
LAWS 2115.03: Health Care Ethics and the Law
LAWS 2117.03: Education Law
LAWS 2121.02: Wills & Estates
LAWS 2123.03: Canadian Legal History
LAWS 2125.03: Law of Marine Environmental Protection
LAWS 2127.02: LAWS 2128.03: Mental Disability Law: Civil
LAWS 2129.03: Corporate Transactions
LAWS 2132.03: Health Law
LAWS 2133.03: Climate Change Law and Policy
LAWS 2135.03: Court of Appeal Placement
LAWS 2137.03: Regulation of Financial Institutions
LAWS 2138.03: Securities Regulation
LAWS 2144.03: Corporate/Securities Law Moot
LAWS 2145.02: Sale of Goods
LAWS 2153.03: Business and Environmental Law
LAWS 2159.03: Health Systems: Law and Policy
LAWS 2160.06: Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Placement
LAWS 2167.03: Health Law Placement
LAWS 2168.03: Internet and Media Law
LAWS 2169.03: Competition Law
LAWS 2170.03: Information Technology Transactions
LAWS 2171.02: Sopinka /McKelvey Cup Trial Advocacy Course
LAWS 2172.03: Advanced Legal Research.
LAWS 2175.03: Family Law Placement (Supreme Court (Family Division)).
LAWS 2177.02: Labour Arbitration Moot
LAWS 2178.04: Intellectual Property Law I
LAWS 2182.03: Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Changes of Corporate Control
LAWS 2188.03: Restorative Justice: Theory and Practice
LAWS 2189.02: Crown Law
LAWS 2191.03: Animals and the Law
LAWS 2192.03: Advanced Negligence: Medical Malpractice
LAWS 2194.03: Critical Race & Legal Theory I: A Survey of 'Race' & Law in Canada
LAWS 2195.03: Human Rights Law & Protection in Canada
LAWS 2197.03: International Criminal Law
LAWS 2198.03: Critical Perspectives on Law
LAWS 2203.03: Intellectual Property Law II
LAWS 2204.03: Secured Transactions
LAWS 2205.03: International Humanitarian Law/Law of Armed Conflict
LAWS 2206.03: Kawaskimhon Aboriginal Rights Moot
LAWS 2207.03: Gender, Sexuality and the Law
LAWS 2210.03: Law and Religion
LAWS 2211.02/ LAWS 2212.03: Law of International Trade and Shipping
LAWS 2214.03: Energy Law
LAWS 2215.01: European Union Law: EUCE Visiting Professorship
LAWS 2216.03: Current Issues in Corporate Law
LAWS 2217.03: Intellectual Property & Commercialization Placement
LAWS 2218.02: Construction Law
LAWS 2219.03: Regulatory Systems in Environment and Health
LAWS 2220.03: Privacy Law
LAWS 2221.03: Public Health Law
LAWS 2222.03: Patent Law
LAWS 2223.02/ LAWS 2224.03: Elder Law
LAWS 2225.03: Environmental Law Placement
LAWS 2227.01: Dealing with the Past: The Indian Residential Schools Settlement
LAWS 2230.03: Science and the Law
LAWS 2231.01: Current Issues in Labour & Employment Law: Innis Christie Visiting Professor
LAWS 2232.03: Real Estate Transactions
LAWS 2233.02: Restitution
LAWS 2235.02/ LAWS 2236.03: Mental Disability Law: Criminal
LAWS 2238.03: Public Law Placement
LAWS 2245.03: Bowman National Tax Moot
LAWS 2246.03: Economic Analysis of Law
LAWS 2247.01: Topics in Writing, Legal Research, and Oral Advocacy
LAWS 2250.03: Willms & Shier Environmental Law Moot
LAWS 2251.03: African Nova Scotians and the Law
LAWS 2252.03: Fiduciary Law in the Business Context
LAWS 2253.03: Class Action Law and Procedure in Canada
LAWS 2258.02: Family Law Dispute Resolution
LAWS 2262.01: Theory and Practice of Mediation and Conflict Transformation in Northern Ireland
LAWS 2263.03: National Security Law Moot
LAWS 2264.01: Cross-Border Litigation in an Applied Context
LAWS 2265.03: International Criminal Court Moot
LAWS 2267.03: Tax Policy
LAWS 2269.03: Taxation II: International Tax
LAWS 2270.03: Indigenous Governance
LAWS 2272.03: Canadian National Competition Moot
LAWS 2273.03: Harold G. Fox Intellectual Property Moot
LAWS 2274.01: Restorative Justice Courts: Procedure
LAWS 2275.01: Deep Listening for Lawyers
LAWS 2276.03: Imprisonment & Penal Policy
LAWS 2277.03: Wilson Moot
LAWS 2278.02: Law & Public Policy in Practice
LAWS 2280.03: Aboriginal Peoples and the Law
LAWS 2281.01: International Commercial Arbitration
LAWS 2283.03: Cultural Property and Heritage Law in a Trasnational Context
LAWS 2282.03: Aboriginal Peoples and the Law (Hybrid)
LAWS 2289.02: Indigenous Law
LAWS 2290.03: Advanced Aboriginal Peoples and the Law
LAWS 2291.01: Health Law & Policy:Current Issues l
LAWS 2292.01: Health Law & Policy:Current Issues ll
LAWS 2295.03: Criminal Appeals Practice
LAWS 2296.03: Canadian Drafting Competition
LAWS 2297.03: International Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Practicum
LAWS 2298.01: Advanced Commercial Drafting
LAWS 2299.01: Advanced Contract Drafting
LAWS 2301.01: Qualitative Methods & Interviewing for Lawyers
LAWS 2302.01: Case Studies in Public Policy and Law
LAWS 2303.01: Cannabis Law, Regulation& Policy
LAWS 2304.01: From Legal Research to Public Policy Impact
LAWS 2305.02/ LAWS 2306.03: Global Corruption
LAWS 2307.02: The Law of Sexual Offences
LAWS 2310.03: Child Protection Law
LAWS 2319.03: Pharmaceutical Science, Law & Policy
LAWS 2320.09: Technology and Innovation Law: Clinical Advocacy
LAWS 2333.01: Conflict & Mediation Principles: The Northern Island Experience
LAWS 2338.03: Clinical Advocacy, Law and Practice: Responding to Sexualized Violence
LAWS 2351.01: Dean's Intensive Course
LAWS 2352.01: Dean's Intensive Course
LAWS 2353.02: Purdy Crawford Special Topics in Business Law
LAWS 2354.02: Purdy Crawford Special Topics in Business Law
LAWS 2355.01: Business Law Workshop Intensive: Law & Technology
LAWS 2357.01/ LAWS 2358.02: Dalhousie Law Journal Advanced Legal Writing
LAWS 2359.01/ LAWS 2360.02: Dalhousie Law Journal Editorial Assistantship
LAWS 2366.01: International Human Rights Advocacy
LAWS 2370.02: Sentencing:Principles, Law and Policy
LAWS 2371.01: Value Added Topics
LAWS 2372.03: The Law of Digital Commerce
LAWS 2373.03: International Investment Law
LAWS 2374.03: Advanced Legal Ethics and Professionalism
LAWS 2508.03: Law Reform: Selected Problems
LAWS 2510.03/ LAWS 2520.03: Introduction to Law
LAWS 2603.03: Directed Research Project
LAWS 2700/ LAWS 2703, LAWS 2704, LAWS 2708, LAWS 2709, LAWS 2710: Queen’s/Dalhousie Spring International Law Program

E. Graduate Courses

LAWS 3010.015/ LAWS 3020.015: Graduate Seminar on Legal Education and Legal Scholarship