
Dr. D. G. J. Campbell Professor and Head of Department

Rafuse, V.


Baldridge, W. H.
Chauhan, B.C.,
major appointment in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Clarke, D., major appointment in Neurosurgery
Currie, R. W., post-retirement appointment
Darvesh, S., major appointment in Neurology
Friedman, A.
Hopkins, D., post-retirement appointment
Iulianella, A.
Kablar, B.
Kovacs, G., major appointment in Emergency Medicine
Neumann, P., post-retirement appointment
Rafuse, V.
Rutherford, J. G., post-retirement appointment
Schmidt, M., major appointment in Radiology
Semba, K.
Uher, R., major appointment in Psychiatry
Zhang, Y.

Adjunct Professors

Franz-Odendaal, T., adjunct appointment, Department of Biology, MSVU

Associate Professors

Akay, T.
Calkin, C.,
major appointment in Psychiatry
Johnston, A.
Mobbs, I.,
post-retirement appointment
Sinha, G., post-retirement appointment
Smith, F., post-retirement appointment

Assistant Professors

Weeks, A., major appointment, Neurosurgery

Senior Instructor

Mayer, W.
Pulakunta, T.

Rot, I.

University Teaching Fellow

Jaffar, A.