Course Codes
0010-0099 pre university preparation courses
0100-0300 technology level courses
1000 level courses are introductory
2000-4000 level courses are advanced
5000-9000 level are Graduate level (with some exceptions)
Credit Hours—examples only
.06 credit hours = 6 credit hours = 1 full credit UG, AC, HP level
.03 credit hours = 3 credit hours = ½ credit UG, AC, HP level
.02 credit hours = 2 credit hours = ½ credit TC level
Subject Codes
Four letter codes are used to describe the subject area of a particular course. The following list of codes reflects subject areas courses are currently offered in:
ACAD - Academic
ACSC - Actuarial Science
AGRI - Agriculture
AGRN - Agronomy
ANAT - Anatomy & Neurobiology
ANSC - Animal Science
APSC - Applied Science
AQUA - Aquaculture
ARBC - Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
ARTC - Applied Health Services Research
ARTS - Art
ASSC - Arts and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
BIOA - Biology (Faculty of Agriculture)
BIOC - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BIOE - Biological Engineering
BIOL - Biology
BIOT - Bioethics
BMNG - Biomedical Engineering
BUSI - Business Administration
BVSC - Bioveterinary Science
CANA - Canadian Studies
CH&E - Community Health & Epidemiology
CHEE - Chemical Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CHMA - Chemistry (Faculty of Agriculture)
CIVL - Civil Engineering
CLAS - Classics
CMMT - Communications
CNLT - Centre for Learning and Teaching
COMM - Commerce
CPST - Complimentary Studies
CRWR - Creative Writing
CSCA - Computer Science (Faculty of Agriculture)
CSCI - Computer Science
CTMP - Contemporary Studies
DEHY - Dental Hygiene
DENQ - Dentistry Qualifying
DENT - Dentistry
DISM - Disability Management
DMUT - Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Technology
ECED - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECMM - Electronic Commerce
ECOA - Economics (Faculty of Agriculture)
ECON - Economics
EGLA - English (Faculty of Agriculture)
EMSP - Early Modern Studies
ENGI - Engineering
ENGL - English
ENGM - Engineering Mathematics
ENGN - Engineering (Faculty of Agriculture)
ENSL - English Language (Continuing Education)
ENVA - Environmental Sciences (Faculty of Agriculture)
ENVE - Environmental Engineering
ENVI - Environmental Studies
ENVS - Environmental Science
ERTH - Earth Sciences
EURO - European Studies
EXTE - Extension Education
FIGA - First Year Interest Groups - Arts and Social Sciences
FIGS - First Year Interest Groups - Science
FILM - Film Studies
FOOD - Food Science (Faculty of Agriculture)
FOSC - Food Science
FREN - French
FRNA - French (Faculty of Agriculture)
GELA - Geology
GEOA - Geography (Faculty of Agriculture)
GEOG - Geography
GENE - Genetics
GERM - German
GWST - Gender and Women’s Studies
HAHP - Health and Human Performance
HESA - Health Administration
HINF - Health Informatics
HISA - History (Faculty of Agriculture)
HIST - History
HLTH - Health Professions
HORT - Horticulture
HPRO - Health Promotion
HSCE - Health Sciences Education
HSTC - History of Science and Technology
HUCD - Human Communication Disorders
IAGR - International Development (Faculty of Agriculture)
IDHS - Interdisciplinary Health Studies
INDG - Indigenous Studies
IENG - Industrial Engineering
INFB - International Food Business
INFO - Information Management
INFX - Informatics
INTA - Internship (Faculty of Agriculture)
INTD - International Development Studies
INTE - Interdisciplinary Studies (Graduate)
INWK - Engineering Internetworking
IPHE - Interprofessional Health Education
ITAL - Italian
JOUR - Journalism
KINE - Kinesiology
KING - King’s Foundation Year Programme
LARC - Landscape Architecture
LAWS - Law
LEIS - Leisure Studies
LJSO - Law, Justice and Society
MARA - Marine Affairs
MARI - Marine Biology
MATH - Mathematics
MATL - Materials Engineering
MCRA - Microbiology (Faculty of Agriculture)
MDLT - Medical Lab Technology
MECH - Mechanical Engineering
MEDI - Medicine
MEDP - Medical Physics
MEDR - Medical Research
MEDS - Medical Sciences
MGMT - Management
MGTA - Management (Faculty of Agriculture)
MICI - Microbiology & Immunology
MINE - Mineral Resource Engineering
MRIT - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology
MTHA - Mathematics (Faculty of Agriculture)
MUSC - Music
NESC - Neuroscience
NUMT - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OCCU - Occupational Therapy
OCEA - Oceanography
ORAL - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
PATH - Pathology
PEAS - Process Engineering and Applied Science
PERF - Performance Studies
PERI - Periodontics
PETR - Petroleum Engineering
PGMD - Post-Graduate Medicine
PGPH - Post-Graduate Pharmacy
PHAC - Pharmacology
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHDP - PHD Program
PHIL - Philosophy
PHLA - Philosophy (Faculty of Agriculture)
PHYC - Physics and Atmospheric Science
PHYL - Physiology
PHYS - Physics (Faculty of Agriculture)
PHYT - Physiotherapy
PLAN - Planning
PLSC - Plant Science
POLI - Political Science
POLS - Political Science (Faculty of Agriculture)
PROS - Prosthodontics
PSYC - Psychology (Faculty of Agriculture)
PSYO - Psychology
PSYR - Psychiatry
PUAD - Public Administration
RADT - Radiological Technology
REGN - Registration Course - Graduate
RELS - Religious Studies
RESM - Research Methods/Project Seminars
RSPT - Respiratory Therapy
RURS - Rural Studies
RUSN - Russian Studies
SCIE - Science
SLWK - Social Work
SOCI - Sociology (Faculty of Agriculture)
SOIL - Soils
SOSA - Sociology and Social Anthropology
SPAN - Spanish and Latin American Studies
SPEC - Special Topics
SPNA - Spanish (Faculty of Agriculture)
STAA - Statistics (Faculty of Agriculture)
STAT - Statistics
SUST - Sustainability
THEA - Theatre
TYPR - Transition Year Program
VISC - Vision Science
VTEC - Veterinary Technology