Centre for Environmental and Marine Geology
Contact: Ann Bannon, Administrator
This Centre was originally founded as the Centre for Marine Geology in 1983 to promote interdisciplinary studies of various types of problems in marine Geology, capitalizing on our unique position in Canada with links to related departments such as Oceanography, Physics, Biology, the Bedford Institute of Oceanography and our hosting of the Canadian office of the Ocean Drilling Program. Since 1983 the role of the Centre has changed, reflected in the new name, which better describes the work being done now where marine geology is combined with environmental problems. We have three new faculty that expand our expertise into new chronological techniques and permafrost as well as strengthening our capacity in the petroleum-related environmental geology. Some of the objectives of the Centre are to: 1) continue to expand our participation in a revitalized east coast offshore energy related problems; 2) continue our climate-change work with a variety of approaches both offshore and on land; 3) expand into Arctic regions both with major oceanographic and shore-based programs; and 4) expand our capacity to help solve some of the many environmental geology problems associated with urbanization.