Centre for Research in Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics (CRSSCA)
Location: 6100 University Avenue

Room 4065
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS  B3H 4R2

Director: Dr. M. Ali Ülkü
Phone: (902) 494-3848
Email: crssca@dal.ca
Fax: (902) 494-1107
Website: www.dal.ca/crssca

The Centre for Research in Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics (CRSSCA), housed in the Rowe School of Business - Faculty of Management, is the supply chain research hub in Eastern Canada.  We conduct interdisciplinary research that sheds light on complex issues in supply chain management.  Focusing on economic, environmental, and social sustainability, CRSSCA aims to create new knowledge in prescribing solution models for data-driven industrial problems, devise analytical tools for better decision-making, and develop insights into the intricate relationships between supply chain operations, green logistics (global trade, inventory, process and product design, procurement, manufacturing, transportation), and sustainable consumption.  CRSCCA supports annual workshops on Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SC&LM), Bachelor of Commerce major in SC&LM, and involvement of students in research activities.