Centre for Learning and Teaching
The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) works in partnership with the Provost’s office, academic units, faculty members, and graduate students to enhance the practice and scholarship of learning and teaching at Dalhousie University. CLT takes an evidence-based approach to advocating for effective and inclusive learning and teaching practices, curriculum planning, services to support the use of technology in education, and institutional policies and infrastructure to enhance the Dalhousie learning environment. The CLT is dedicated to aligning its activities with the strategic directions of the university, including the Belong report and its recommendations. For further information, teaching resources, or a confidential consultation, you are invited to contact the Centre for Learning and Teaching, located at Suite G90, Killam Library, 6225 University Avenue, (902) 494-1622, CLT@dal.ca, or you can visit the CLT website at: dal.ca/clt
Programming: Workshop series, presentations, discussion groups, and demonstrations are scheduled to address the full spectrum of educational issues, including curriculum design, inclusive practices, classroom design, evaluation of student learning, teaching and learning strategies, e-learning and the effective integration of classroom technology.
Confidential Consultations: Educational developers at CLT provide confidential consultation services to teaching assistants, faculty, and administrators on a wide range of learning and teaching issues, including cultural competence and other aspects of inclusivity.
Annual Events: On an annual basis, CLT coordinates New Academic Staff Orientation, TA Day, Teaching Dossier Workshops, and the Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning that brings together presenters from across the University and the country to explore issues related to specific themes.
eLearning: The eLearning team with CLT offers eLearning advice and support to the Dalhousie community. With two experienced instructional designers, the eLearning team is available to offer guidance with both online and blended/hybrid course initiatives, including ensuring that these course initiatives are accessible.
Curriculum Renewal: CLT provides support for curriculum design and renewal at the level of a course, program, department and faculty. Facilitated department and faculty-specific workshops or retreats assist the formation of cohesive programs by considering how courses and content develop throughout the duration of a program. Departments or programs in the early stages of an MPHEC proposal, internal program review, or accreditation process can take advantage of CLT's resources to design learning outcomes and map the curriculum.
The Faculty Certificate in Teaching and Learning: This professional development program offers faculty and staff the opportunity to participate in courses, workshops and peer exchanges. The Certificate emphasizes evidence-based practices and provides hands-on, practical opportunities to apply these in their own teaching context. The program is offered in partnership with Executive Education in the Faculty of Management.
Certificate in University Teaching and Learning and the Teaching Assistant Enhancement Program: These programs are offered to graduate students by the CLT in partnership with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The purpose of the program is to assist academic departments in preparing students for their teaching responsibilities and to enhance their professional development opportunities for both academic and non-academic careers.
Classroom Planning: CLT offers expertise and support to the university in the area of classroom design including support for faculty considering the use of learning spaces in the context of course design and pedagogical approaches.
Teaching Awards: CLT administers several university-wide teaching awards, including the Dalhousie Alumni Association Award of Excellence for Teaching, Early Career Faculty Award of Excellence for Teaching, Contract and Limited-term Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Sessional and Part-time Instructor Award of Excellence for Teaching, President's Graduate Student Teaching Award, Educational Leadership Award for Collaborative Teaching, Academic Innovation Award, Award for Excellence in Education for Diversity, and the Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision.
Student Ratings of Instruction (SRI): Higher education institutions in Canada and abroad encourage faculty to use teaching evaluations to rate their teaching for effectiveness. The CLT is responsible for the administration of the university-wide Student Ratings of Instruction. The ratings are administered online towards the end of each term. Quantitative and qualitative data are collected and the opportunity for departments and individual instructors to add questions to the form is available. Students may access the results of the universal questions, Part A of the form, when instructors consent to release the results of their own course(s).
Grants: CLT offers a number of Teaching and Learning Grants each year for instructors to develop and evaluate new teaching methods, curriculum innovation, elearning and teaching with technology opportunities. The Centre also organizes the Change One Thing Challenge award, inviting instructors to submit their student engagement ideas that they have implemented into their teaching.
Publications: The CLT newsletter, Focus on University Teaching and Learning, is published three times a year and is available online on the CLT website (dal.ca/clt). CLT's lending library provides resources on topics related to teaching. CLT’s LibGuide of links to electronic sources can be found at: dal.ca.libguides.com/clt.