Welcome - Seminar in Managing People & Organizational Theory BUSS 6301   Seminar in Managing People & Organizational Theory
BUSI 6301 is a required course in organizational and managerial theory and practice relative to how human beings function in organizations. Focused primarily understanding the theory to practice relationship, BUSI 6301 provides the student with an introduction to the practical application of theory in managing people within the context of the external and organizational forces that impact management. We will address specific organizational behaviour and general management knowledge requirements for today’s managers and focus on enhancing the student’s capacity for creative application of that knowledge to achieve success. In particular, BUSI 6301 will facilitate the student’s gaining command of both foundational organizational theory and contemporary managerial practice research that can augment and inform their individual research project and continued organizational learning development.
FORMAT: Seminar
RESTRICTIONS: Restricted to MScB students