Welcome - Business in a Global Context
COMM 1010 Business in a Global Context
This course provides an introduction to the national and international context of Canadian political, economic and business activity. It presents a sampling of the most relevant issues facing managers in business, labour and public sector organizations. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of Canada's competitive position today, and of the historical background and current influences on this position. The focus of the course will be on lectures, the text, guest speakers, and more specifically what is said in class by your instructor as well as in tutorials by your tutorial leader and your colleagues. Leading edge ideas and concepts - many of which are not confined exclusively to any one particular text or article - will be introduced by your instructor during the lectures, and may be reinforced through hand-outs from time to time.
NOTES: Students in BComm Program can not receive credit for Mgmt 1000.03 or Mgmt 1001.03
FORMAT: Lecture