Welcome - Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
COMM 2310 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Business is a collection of private, commercially oriented-organizations, whereas society is a broad group of people with varying traditions, values, institutions, and collective activities and interests. Hence, businesses operate in market conditions but are subject to obligations to protect (or to avoid harming) the common good. Their challenge is to marry ‘the freedom to be’ with responsibility for others, particularly the vulnerable. Business ethics provides moral systems for aligning priorities amid what are regularly contradictory or inconsistent sets of goals. This course examines the nature of these challenges from the basis of business ethics, their effects on companies and managers, and the corporate social responsibility tools managers can use to understand and address complex issues involving numerous stakeholders. The students will explore issues including, but not limited to, environmental & social sustainability, collective and systemic responsibility, and ethical responsibility in the absence of regulatory frameworks.
PREREQUISITES: At least second-year standing
PHIL 2081.03