Welcome - From Disaster Relief to Development
ECON 5252 From Disaster Relief to Development
This course introduces students to the growing literature built around comparative experiences of disaster prevention, relief and sustainable development. Frameworks for better understanding the reasons behind a cross-section of complex disasters are explored. Ways to improve development planning at both project and broader community and national policy levels are examined. Main themes include food and clean water, (security of aid distribution, drought reduction); responsible ocean governance; refugees, asylum seekers and settlements for sustainable development; early warning systems for hurricanes, volcanoes, forest fires and famines - their integration into national development planning and emergency programming in the context of global warming, political and economic instability, as well as issues of humanitarian law and peacekeeping. Case studies are routinely drawn from a number of World Bank, UN, EMO, NGO and International Red Cross and Red Crescent experiences, as a part of the course’s applied orientation. Follow-up research projects and internship experiences may be facilitated as an extension of this course.
FORMAT: Seminar