Welcome - Health Law Placement
LAWS 2167 Health Law Placement
This placement offers students a practice-based opportunity to work with and learn from health law practitioners. Students will assist in the work of Placement Organizations by conducting legal research, writing and other substantive tasks as requested. Students are required to spend an average of nine hours per week on placement work. Placement Supervisors will assign substantive work to students, monitor students’ fulfillment of the course requirements, and consult with the Faculty Supervisor in relation to student evaluation. Students will be evaluated based on their performance in the placement, including assessment of written work. This course does not fulfill the major paper requirement. One placement is offered per term with each of the following organizations: the Nova Scotia Health Authority, IWK Health Centre, and the Legislative Branch of the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. Application and Selection: Interested students must apply to the Faculty Supervisor, in writing, by June 8th for placements in the upcoming academic year (both Fall and Winter terms). Applications shall consist of a written statement of the student’s interest and experience in health law, and a copy of the student’s law school transcript. The Faculty Supervisor will select students based on academic standing and demonstrated interest and experience in health law. Students enrolled in Health Law 2132.03 in the Fall term may apply for a placement in the Winter term of the same academic year. Please note these placements will be subject to requirements of adequate notice and availability.
ENROLMENT: One placement per term with each organization.
LAWS 2132.03)