Welcome - Tropical Marine Biology
MARI 3682 Tropical Marine Biology
This course provides a practical introduction to tropical marine biology, including a multi-day field trip to tropical marine ecosystems (reef, mangrove, seagrass). Identification of species, ecological interactions and tropical marine conservation will be discussed. Evaluation includes, but is not limited to, lecture and field tests, presentations, field observations and reports.
NOTES: Field work involves snorkeling; students must be comfortable swimming for extended periods in open water. Offered in summer through SEASIDE. Special application procedure. An auxiliary fee is charged to cover field expenses. For dates, times and special registration procedures, see: seaside.science.dal.ca.
FORMAT COMMENTS: and Field Intensive, International Experience
BIOL 2003.03 and
BIOL 2060.03 or equivalent courses; or Instructor's permission. An introductory course in statistics and familiarity with spreadsheets (e.g. Excel) will be useful.