Welcome - Local Government PUAD 6400   Local Government
There is a renewed interest in local government resulting from population migration to urban areas, the need to invest heavily in improved and greener infrastructure that can be used to satisfy local service needs, and a trend towards a more inclusive public involvement in urban issues. This course looks at how local governments fit into the public sector framework, how provincial / national legislation empowers and limits them, and their governance and management. Services offered, and issues faced, by local governments vary with size, population density and with central government legislation. Issues facing local governments, and the central governments who determine municipal responsibilities and revenue sources, are researched, presented and discussed. While the primary focus of the course is on local government in Canada, structures and practices used in other countries to address local government issues will be included. The course is conducted in a seminar style format (class size permitting)
PREREQUISITES: MPA students must successfully complete all eight required courses of the first year of the MPA program prior to enrolling in 6xxx level courses and MGMT 5000, or seek special permission from the Graduate Coordinator. Students from outside of the MPA program must seek permission from the course instructor.