Welcome - Municipal Finance PUAD 6420   Municipal Finance
Canadian local governments are arguably more challenged than the federal or provincial governments when raising sufficient revenue to meet their operational and infrastructure requirements. This course explores the reasons for this and puts forward potential solutions that reflect a solid understanding of the issues and sound public policy. The solutions could include greater revenue generation powers, expenditure reduction through transferring responsibilities, finding less expensive ways of providing services through internal efficiencies or outsourcing, or reorganizing municipal boundaries (territorial reform). The course begins with a focus on the fundamentals of local government finance to provide the background needed to address the broader issues. While the primary focus of the course is on Canadian municipal finance issues information on finance policies and structures of other countries will also be included. The course is conducted in a seminar style format (class size permitting).
PREREQUISITES: MPA students must successfully complete all eight required courses of the first year of the MPA program prior to enrolling in 6xxx level courses and MGMT 5000, or seek special permission from the Graduate Coordinator. Students from outside of the MPA program must seek permission from the course instructor.