Courses - French Literature in Translation: The Novel/Littérature française: le cas du roman en traduction anglaise
FREN 2275 French Literature in Translation: The Novel/Littérature française: le cas du roman en traduction anglaise
Given in English, with no prior knowledge of French required, this course will study key fictional works representative of different historical periods and the changing form of the novel. Approximately seven to eight works from a selection of the following authors will be studied: Chretien de Troyes, Marguerite de Navarre, Madame de Lafayette, Rousseau, Laclos, Balzac, Flaubert, Stendhal, Proust, Colette, De Beauvoir, Duras. The selection of authors and works may vary from year to year, but the “survey” nature of the course will be maintained.
NOTES: This course does not satisfy the French degree program requirements. French Majors and Honours students may take this course as an elective.