Combined Honours - Comparative Politics II: the Developing World
POLI 2302 Comparative Politics II: the Developing World
This course proceeds on the assumption that it is fascinating to study diverse political systems and processes in their own right; but further, that through comparison and generalization, we can gain a better understanding of the characteristics of politics everywhere, including our own country.
The course surveys the methods and scope of Comparative Politics. It does so through an examination of what have been the three major classifications of political systems in the post-World War II world, with particular focus on "Third World" countries (an increasingly problematic term encompassing "Newly Industrializing Countries" and "Less Developed Countries"). After a general overview of the nature of these classifications, countries from each will be studied in depth. Concepts and theories which are useful for comparing political life in various countries will be discussed.
PREREQUISITES: 1000-level Political Science course or King's FYP recommended
POLI 2300