BSc or BA (120 credit hour) Combined Honours in Economics and another subject - Honours Thesis II ECON 4202   Honours Thesis II
This course is required for honours students, and helps students define, research, and write an original research project under the supervision of an economics faculty member. Students develop a topic, critique current literature, run statistical tests, or research and write a policy paper, and present results in a public conference.
NOTES: Students must complete both ECON4201.03 and ECON4202.03 in the same academic year, and are assigned a common grade for both courses after both have been completed. To be given permission to take the Honours Thesis course, students should have completed the Dalhousie writing requirement, with a grade of B or higher in at least one Dalhousie writing course. ECON3339.03 is a recommended prerequisite for B.Sc. students.
FORMAT: Seminar
PREREQUISITES: ECON 2200.03 (or ECON 2210.03 or ECON 2220.03), ECON 2201.03, ECON 3338.03, ECON4201.03, all with minimum grades of C, and permission of instructor