Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment - Wildlife Ecology in South Africa
ANSC 3007 Wildlife Ecology in South Africa
This course will give students an understanding and appreciation of ecological principles and the complexities of conservation through observation and experience of both the natural and social environments in South Africa. Students will travel to a South African game reserve, where they will observe the animals and plants in South Africa's unique vegetation zones. Both biotic and abiotic factors will be used to determine South Africa's unique vegetation zones, particularly with respect to the role of large mammals. The focus will be on the manner in which the structure and composition of vegetation influences the community structure of small and large mammals, birds, reptiles and insects. A thorough understanding of South African (sub Saharan) ecology and how the unique natural and social history of South Africa has contributed will help prepare students for the general ecological and conservation issues.
FORMAT: Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Intensive four week course in South Africa
BIOA 1002.03 and
BIOA 1003.03 or equivalent