Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment - Scientific Diving Methods for Marine Ecology
BIOL 3680 Scientific Diving Methods for Marine Ecology
This course introduces students that are certified divers to the practice of underwater research using SCUBA. It combines lectures with supervised dives in various marine habitats to demonstrate the application of standard sampling and experimental procedures in marine ecology, with an emphasis on logistical considerations and diving safety.
NOTES: Offered in summer through
SEASIDE. An auxiliary fee is charged to cover field expenses. For dates, times and special registration procedures, see seaside.science.dal.ca.
FORMAT COMMENTS: Field Intensive
BIOL 2003.03,
BIOL 2060.03 or
BIOA 3001.03,
STAT 1060.03 or DISP, internationally recognized diving certification, diving physical; recommended: BIOL 3321.03,
BIOL 3301.03
MARI 3680.03