Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment - Indigenous perspectives in conservation biology
BIOL 4003 Indigenous perspectives in conservation biology
This two week field course takes a holistic approach to conservation biology. Paradigms and frameworks in native science are discussed in conservation study hotspots, in outdoor and indoor classrooms, and laboratories in First Nations’ territories. Native knowledge systems from Turtle Island are explored to highlight the roles and duties indigenous peoples have with attention to Canada’s colonial framework and the treaties.
NOTES: Intensive summer field course. Multiple overnight trips. Auxiliary fee charged to cover field expenses. Application and deposit required for permission to register. See www.seaside.science.dal.ca for details.
- Lecture
- Lab
- Experiential Learning
- Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Integrated learning; Multiple overnight field trips.
Summer intensive field course, class meets all day every day
RESTRICTIONS: Requires permission of instructor