Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment - Ecological Economics
MGMT 4031 Ecological Economics
Ecological economics is an emergent, transdisciplinary field of inquiry whose primary concern is to advance the body of theory and tools to understand and manage the environmental dimensions of economic activity. It is an explicitly normative field oriented towards environmental sustainability in economic organization. Ecological economics recognizes three conditions necessary to environmental sustainability: appropriate scale (relative to biocapacity), efficient allocation, and just distribution.
Given the breadth of material encompassed within the scope of ecological economics, this class will explore a subset of possible topics including the basic principles and theory of scale, efficiency, and distributive justice. In addition, the class will look at how these apply to managing real world issues in environmental management and explore the tools used by ecological economists to quantify and interpret scale, efficiency, and distributive justice. This course is designed as a one-term introduction to ecological economics for graduate students in environmental studies and related programs with little or no prior exposure to economics.
NOTES: MGMT classes cross-listed with ENVI graduate classes require approval from the School for Resource and Environmental Studies
ENVI 5031.03