Minor in Environmental Studies - Flora of Nova Scotia
BIOL 3219 Flora of Nova Scotia
Hands-on introduction to the plants of Nova Scotia, with an emphasis on taxonomy and a focus on the flowering plants. Includes identification, morphology, distribution, habitat, and ecology. Takes several day-long and half-day field trips. Evaluation includes a plant collection, field notebook, field report, presentation, and lecture and lab exams.
NOTES: Instructor approval required. Offered in summer through SEASIDE. An auxiliary fee is charged to cover field expenses.
- Lecture
- Lab
- Other (explain in comments)
FORMAT COMMENTS: Field trips are full days or afternoons, in lieu of laboratories. Lectures all morning, 5 days a week for 14 days, unless field trip; Laboratories all afternoon, 5 days a week for 14 days, unless field trip
BIOL 2004.03, and 2060.03, or equivalents
BIOL 2601.03