Minor in Environmental Studies - Women and Gender in Early Modern Science
HSTC 2310 Women and Gender in Early Modern Science
This course will explore the roles of women, and questions about women’s nature, in the development of Early Modern science. The course will consider several interrelated aspects of scientific culture in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries: first, we will look at the place of women in the scientific institutions of the time. The second part of the course will look at the contributions of some particular women to the fields of physics, astronomy, botany, and medicine. We will then examine how science interpreted sex and gender. Finally, the course will explore the ways in which gender and nature were portrayed in the broader cultural context. We will, for example, discuss the ways in which women were depicted as scientists and as symbols of science in art and literature.
EMSP 2310.03,
GWST 2310.03