Minor in Environmental Studies - Biological Oceanography OCEA 4140   Biological Oceanography
The goal is to describe how physical, chemical and biological processes interact to determine the species composition, biogeochemical activities, and trophic structure of marine communities. Outstanding problems currently facing biological oceanographers and earth systems scientists are discussed, as are current attempts and methodologies to address them.
NOTES: Biological oceanography is a quantitative science and extensive problem solving is required. Students should be competent in mathematics through calculus. Permission of instructor is required.
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: OCEA 2001.03 and OCEA 2002.03 (or OCEA 2000.06); OCEA 2020.03 and OCEA 2021.03; or permission of instructor
CROSS-LISTING: OCEA 5140.03, BIOL 4661.03, 5661.03, MARI 4661.03