Minor in Environmental Studies - Exploring Geographic Information Systems
SCIE 3600 Exploring Geographic Information Systems
This course provides a general overview of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), examining what GIS is, what it can do, and how it works. The course is aimed at students studying in all disciplines and will involve creating, understanding, manipulating and displaying geographic data. Topics will include data models, analysis of vector and raster data, creation of spatial databases, the Global Positioning System and other aspects of spatial data. Lectures (3 per week) will explore basic aspects of GIS in detail and introduce material to be covered in the labs. Labs are held once per week and will provide practical experience in data manipulation and problem solving.
PREREQUISITES: Two years of university study
ERTH 3500.03,
ENVS 3500.03,
GEOG 3500.03, ERTH 5600.03