Minor in Statistics - Statistical Rethinking: Applied Bayesian Statistics STAT 3069   Statistical Rethinking: Applied Bayesian Statistics
This course, which uses Richard McElreath’s popular ‘Statistical Rethinking’ book as a foundation, provides a broad introduction to applied Bayesian models using R or Python. Examples are drawn from Biology and Social Science, in contexts designed to be widely applicable to analysis of observational data across disciplines.
NOTES: Course aimed at non-stats majors seeking to do applied statistical work, primarily in Biology but including other disciplines; Students majoring in statistics (including Honours, Majors, Combined Honours and Double Major programs) cannot receive STAT course credit for this course. Students Minoring in Statistics can count this as a 3000 level STAT course credit.
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: STAT 2060.03 OR STAT 2080.03 AND One of: STAT 2450.03, CSCI 2202.03, BIOL 3872.03, MARI 4600.03