Minor in Statistics - Regression and Analysis of Variance STAT 3340   Regression and Analysis of Variance
A thorough treatment of the theory and practice of regression analysis. Topics include: fitting general linear models using matrices, optimality of least squares estimators (Gauss-Markov theorem), inferences, simple and partial correlation, analysis of residuals, case-deletion diagnostics, polynomial regression, transformations, use of indicator variables for analysis of variance and covariance problems, model selection, and an introduction to nonlinear least squares. This course makes extensive use of computer packages.
FORMAT: Lecture
COREQUISITES: Stat 2450.03 (if not taken as a prerequisite)
PREREQUISITES: Math 1030.03 AND STAT 2060.03 or MATH 2060.03 AND STAT 2080.03 or MATH 2080.03 or ECON 2280.03 or 3338.03, AND STAT 2450.03