Courses - Topics in Human Performance: Motor Control
PHYT 5572 Topics in Human Performance: Motor Control
This course is intended to be a graduate level seminar which attempts to provide careful examination of published research and other written work in the area of motor control. The first portion of the course will consist of a brief review of the mechanical and physiological foundations of motor control and an illustration of some of the most useful and popular paradigms in the field. The second portion of the course will turn to classic problems and current theoretical and empirical attempts to solve them. The last portion of the course will involve presentations by members of the seminar group. The format of the presentations can vary according to individual and the topic under consideration. Some suggestions would include: 1) a literature review of a specific topic, 2) a grant proposal for a research project and 3) the results of a study conducted during the course.
KINE 5572.03