Courses - The EU as a Global Actor POLI 5322   The EU as a Global Actor
The aim is to enable the student to analyze and understand the international roles played by the EU in both economic and political areas. Why has the EU been better able to speak with one voice in economic areas than political areas? To what extent can the member states control the foreign policies of the EU? The introductory part will include an overview of the EU governance systems in the area of external economic relations (first pillar) and the Common Foreign and Security Policy (second pillar) and analyses of the main achievements in both areas. Specific topics to be selected for analyses during the second part will include the EU and the WTO, the EU and the US, the EU and East Asia, and the EU and developing countries. Finally, in the third part of the course students study recent efforts to develop a European Security and Defense Policy.
PREREQUISITES: Permission of the instructor.