Courses - The Social and Political Construction of Health and Medicine POLI 5466   The Social and Political Construction of Health and Medicine
Despite the rise of “evidence-based medicine,” the way in which health and illness are understood and addressed remains strongly influenced by social and political variables. This class examines the way in which the “scientific” evidence underlying medicine is constructed and applied; the manner in which certain categories of illness (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, addiction, low libido, and obesity) are mediated by social and political dynamics; and the role of specific social and political agents in shaping how health and illness are conceived and addressed. In contradistinction to POLI 4260.03, which focuses on systems and institutions, this class looks at the way in which ideas and epistemology shape conceptions of health, the design of health policy, and the practice of medicine.
NOTES: Please note that this class is held with POLI 4466.03.
FORMAT: Seminar
PREREQUISITES: By permission of the instructor.