Courses - A Critical Approach to Violence and Trauma Intervention and Practice in Social Work SLWK 6201   A Critical Approach to Violence and Trauma Intervention and Practice in Social Work
This course provides a critical social justice approach to understanding and working with trauma. A range of violent and traumatic experiences will be explored including child abuse, sexualized violence, intimate partner violence, intergenerational trauma, post trauma, and complex trauma. We will address the impact of traumatic grief exploring death, accidents, loss, and war, in addition to medical trauma and vicarious trauma. We will examine the history of trauma work and the corresponding shifts in paradigms over time. Attention will be given to the impact of trauma and violence and co-occurring and complex substantive issues with a particular focus on the experiences and needs of diverse communities. This course will explore practice approaches through integrating experiential therapeutic learning with understanding the theoretical underpinnings of critical trauma work.
FORMAT: Lecture