Courses - Social Work and Restorative Approaches: Theory and Skills for Dialogue, Peacebuilding,
and Healing
SLWK 6660 Social Work and Restorative Approaches: Theory and Skills for Dialogue, Peacebuilding,
and Healing
In a fragmented, divisive and increasingly polarized world restorative practice offer hope that
harm can be repaired, and that individual and collective healing is possible. This course will
provide a critical approach to understanding transformative and restorative justice theory and
practice and the development of critical frameworks for social work practice and programming
in these areas. Restorative practice enables the building, maintaining and repairing of
relationships. The transformative potential of restorative justice practices will be explored
within the context of race, gender, culture and environmental justice. Nova Scotia is an
international leader in youth restorative justice and this course expands on this base to explore
potential application with adults.
FORMAT: Lecture