Certificates - Business Process Integration Using ERP Systems
BUSI 6511 Business Process Integration Using ERP Systems
Enterprise Systems are comprised of a unified database with shared analysis and reporting tools allowing for real time business intelligence across global operations. Emphasis in this course is equally on learning business processes and integration between different functional areas as it is about the technology that facilitates this. This course will be taught in the teaching labs with a combination of individual and group simulations interspersed with short lectures. An active learning approach in this course will include hands-on learning using SAP ERP, as well as ERPSim, a game-based SAP ERP simulation. Here you will learn to manage companies from end-to-end using the actual SAP ERP in a real-time simulated competitive environment and will learn the processes, gain technical skills with SAP and playfully learn how Enterprise Systems facilitate Business Intelligence which can be used to lead a company in a competitive environment.
BUSI 5512.03,
DGIN 5100.03,
DGIN 5200.03,
BUSI 5511