Certificates - Business analytics and Data Visualization BUSI 6513   Business analytics and Data Visualization
This course provides an introduction to Business Analytics and Data Visualization. It covers the processes, methodologies and practices used to transform the large amounts of business and public data into useful information to support business decision-making. Students will learn how to extract and manipulate data from these systems. They will also acquire basic knowledge of data mining and statistical analysis, with a focus on data visualization. The students will also learn to build and use management dashboards and balanced scorecards using a variety of data design and visualization tools. The course will be made up of a combination of conceptual and applied topics with classes being held in a computer lab. Technologies to be used will be focused on end-user analytics and data visualization and will include state of the art tools for self-serve business analytics.
  • Lecture
  • Lab

PREREQUISITES: BUSI 5512.03, BUSI 5511, DGIN 5100, DGIN 5200 or permission of instructor.