Welcome - Biophysical Characterization of Macromolecules CHEM 4602   Biophysical Characterization of Macromolecules
Covers methods allowing determination of sub-molecular and atomic-level structure and dynamics of biomacromolecules in physiological settings (e.g. solution-state or lipid bilayers) including: fluoroescence, electronic and vibrational circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy; light vs. X-ray vs. neutron scattering; and, single molecule methods.
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: BIOC 3700.03 or (CHEM 3601.03 and CHEM 2301.03 and CHEM 2304.03), all with grades of B or higher, or permission of instructor. Recommended: PHYC 1190.03/PHYC 1290.03 or PHYC 1310.03/PHYC 1320.03.
CROSS-LISTING: BIOC 4702.03, CHEM 5602.03, BIOC 5702.03