Welcome - Strategic Management
COMM 4352 Strategic Management
Strategic Management builds on
COMM 4351.03: Competitive Strategy. Following a brief review of firm strategy as it relates to the external environment and core competencies, the focus of this capstone course turns to the examination of the firm's organizational design. More specifically, the course is about strategic change and implementation. It enables the student to develop an appreciation for the influence of uncertainty and complexity on managerial action. The course integrates functional- and business-level strategies to understand the alignment of the firm's competitive strategy with its organizational design. Various pedagogical methods are used to enhance the student's analytical, writing, and presentation skills. It emphasizes a number of conceptual frameworks that aid in strategic decision-making while drawing upon specific concepts, tools, and techniques from other core courses in the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) program
FORMAT: Lecture
COMM 4351.03
MGMT 4002.03,
MGMT 4003.03