Computer Science Co-op - Professional Communication Skills MGMT 3602   Professional Communication Skills
This course will introduce students to the broad range of written and oral communication skills needed by managers, including how to adapt a document or presentation for a particular audience and purpose, how to select a suitable method of organization, how to make good use of graphics, how to work effectively as part of a collaborative project team. Students will have the opportunity to practice their communication skills and techniques in small groups, and in formal presentations before the whole class.
NOTES: CSCI 2100 Workplace Communications for Computer Science - will not be counted towards the Bachelor of Management Program
FORMAT: Lecture
PREREQUISITES: Writing Requirement
EXCLUSIONS: COMM 1702.03, ENGL 2100.03, ENGL 2110.03, EGLA 1003.03, (COMM 1710.03 and COMM 1720.03), (COMM 1711.03 and COMM 1712.03 and COMM 1715.03)