Minor in Middle East & South Asian Studies - A Cultural Introduction to the Arab World
RELS 2052 A Cultural Introduction to the Arab World
This course provides students with the basic tools for approaching the Arab world from a cultural perspective. The main topics are: 1) the guide marks of Arabic history; 2) a civilization "of the Word": the Arabic language, the Koran, the Tradition of the Prophet Mohammed, and the sciences related to the Islamic Law (shari'a); 3) the Arabic legacy in sciences, philosophy, literature, architecture, calligraphy, decoration, etc; 4) multi-cultural Al-Andalus and the ideal of 'convivencia'; 5) present nostalgia for the past; 6) tradition, modernity and effects of 'Globalization' in the contemporary Arabic "high culture" and "pop culture": in literature, music, arts, cinema, life style, education system, media, etc. Some lectures will be accompanied by audio-visual presentations including documentary films. The course does not require background in Arabic.
ARBC 2100.03, HIST 2500.03