Creative Writing Program

Creative Writing courses are open to Dalhousie and King’s students in any program.  Students in the BA or BSc program who take 30 credit hours in Creative Writing above the first-year level may combine Creative Writing with another subject to earn a Double Major or Combined Honours with Creative Writing as the secondary subject. Students in the BA or BSc program who take 18 credit hours in Creative Writing above the first-year level may combine Creative Writing with another subject to earn a minor in Creative Writing.

Requirements for Double Major or Combined Honours:

Additional credit hours from the courses listed above, or other Creative Writing courses beyond the 1000 level, to make up a total of 30 credits. Students may choose to have 3 credit hours of English at the 2000 level count towards their Creative Writing credit hours.

Students interested in Creative Writing but not completing the program may enter individual third year CRWR seminars with the instructor’s permission.

Requirements for Minor:

Course Descriptions -- Creative Writing

For general information on Bachelor of Arts program requirements, visit the College of Arts and Science section of the Academic Calendar.