Ocean Science Areas
The following is a list of courses that satisfy the Ocean Science Electives (Areas) requirement:
OCEA 3001.03: Introduction to Physical Oceanography (if not taken to fulfill another requirement)
OCEA 3002.03: Introduction to Chemical Oceanography (if not taken to fulfill another requirement)
OCEA 3004.03: The Last Billion Years
OCEA 3420.03: Geochemistry of Aquatic Environments
OCEA 3270.03: The Solid Earth
OCEA 4120.03: Physical Oceanography (if not taken to fulfill another requirement)
OCEA 4130.03: Chemical Oceanography (if not taken to fulfill another requirement)
OCEA 4141.03: Advances in Biological Oceanography
OCEA 4230.03: Biology of Phytoplankton
OCEA 4301.01: Special Topics in Ocean Sciences
OCEA 4302.03: Independent Research in Ocean Sciences
OCEA 4330.03: Benthic Ecology
OCEA 4331.03: History of Marine Sciences
OCEA 4370.03: Deep Sea Biology
OCEA 4380.03: Marine Modelling
OCEA 4401.03: Marine Management I (if not taken to fulfill another requirement)
OCEA 4402.03: Marine Management II (if not taken to fulfill another requirement)
OCEA 4665.03: Hacking the Blue Planet
The following are advanced courses, which also satisfy the Ocean Science Electives (Areas) requirement, and are typically oriented towards primarily graduate students. The typical Ocean Science undergraduate program may not provide the required pre-requisite knowledge without taking additional courses. We suggest you speak with the course instructor before registering for any of these. Also note that these courses may not be offered every year.
OCEA 4160.03: Fisheries Oceanography
OCEA 4210.03: Time Series Analysis
OCEA 4220.03: Numerical Modelling
OCEA 4221.03: Ocean Dynamics
OCEA 4222.03: Estuary, Coast and Shelf Dynamics
OCEA 4250.03: Acoustical Oceanography
OCEA 4290.03: Advanced Chemical Oceanography
OCEA 4311.03: Fluid Dynamics I
The following are courses offered outside the Department of Oceanography, cross-listed as OCEA, and which also satisfy the Ocean Science Electives (Areas) requirement. As with the advanced courses, the typical Ocean Science undergraduate program may not provide the required pre-requisite knowledge without taking additional courses. We suggest you speak with the course instructor before registering for any of these.
OCEA 4411.03: Atmospheric Dynamics I
OCEA 4412.03: Atmospheric Dynamics II
OCEA 4470.03: Introduction to Seismic Imaging
OCEA 4505.03: Atmospheric Physics
OCEA 4520.03: Introduction to Atmospheric Science
OCEA 4541.03: Synoptic Meteorology I
OCEA 4550.03: Synoptic Meteorology II
OCEA 4595.03: Atmospheric Chemistry
See Oceanography section for course descriptions.