Medical Sciences
Location: C233 Clinical Research Centre
5849 University Ave.
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, NS
B3H 4R2
Telephone: (902) 431-0526


The Medical Sciences program is a 4-year Bachelor of Science aimed at students who wish to initiate studies in medical science as undergraduates. The program will introduce students to subjects such as human anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, epidemiology, and health ethics.

In the first two years of the program, students take core courses in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, and Physiology. These courses will not only provide a solid background in basic sciences, but will prepare students for admission tests for various medical sciences disciplines (such as the MCAT, DAT, OAT, GRE), meet (or exceed) the early prerequisites for acceptance into medically related professional programs (such as Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Optometry, Ultrasound Technology, Radiological Therapy etc.) locally and across the country, and meet (or exceed) the early prerequisites required for acceptance into biomedical sciences graduate programs at Dalhousie and across the country. In their third and fourth years, students take core and selective courses in various subjects within the medical sciences. These courses come from Pharmacology, Microbiology & Immunology, Physics, Anatomy, Pathology, Philosophy, and Community Health & Epidemiology departments. In fourth year, students will either pursue an Honours, with an associated research project, or a one-term case-based Capstone course.

Career path advising and the course selection process are critical to the success of the Medical Sciences undergraduate program. In addition to guidance with respect to health-related programs and their entry requirements, academic advising is provided so that students are aware of what courses are required should they want to enter graduate programs in the various biomedical science disciplines. Opportunities are available to concentrate in areas of special interest, explore scientific curiosities further, or fulfil professional school prerequisites. Students will graduate with a broad biomedical science background that will prepare them for a variety of clinical professional programs, graduate school, employment in the biotechnology industry, health administration, and in government.

Degree Programs

The curriculum offers core courses from 14 different departments, providing a broad background in biomedical science and a guided learning experience throughout the program. Students are also required to take a minimum of 21 credit-hours in “Selective” courses (chosen from a predetermined list provided by the program) in relevant medical sciences fields. These selective courses allow students to focus their interests in a particular area (including advanced courses in year 4), explore their interests further, and fulfil professional school prerequisites. Furthermore, for those interested, selectives will aptly prepare students in pursuit of senior research projects, subsequently providing the necessary groundwork to be excellent candidates for graduate programs in a specialized field at Dalhousie or elsewhere in Canada.

NOTE: Most second and third year core courses in the Medical Sciences curriculum have prerequisites with minimum grade requirements in those prerequisite courses. Please consult the appropriate calendar section for these requirements.

The program also offers 21 credit hours in open "Electives", which allows students to take any course offered at Dalhousie (at the appropriate level). Students are encouraged to fulfil the Writing requirement using one or both Electives in the first year and it is recommended that students take the writing course from the English department, since some professional schools require six credit hours in ENGL courses.

Students can choose to do a concentrated Honours in their fourth year, where they have the option of completing the research project at any Dalhousie research site, provided the Medical Sciences Honours Committee approves the project and supervisor. Despite the research site where students complete the project, they will still receive an Honours degree in Medical Sciences. If students do not choose Honours, they will take a case-based Capstone course that integrates multiple medical sciences disciplines by examining 5 medically-related cases, through expert lectures, group discussions, and student presentations.

The Medical Sciences program offers the following degree options:

  • BSc (Medical Sciences) Honours - 120 credit hour
  • BSc (Medical Sciences) - 120 credit hour

Students also have the option of doing a Minor. Core courses and required selectives may not be double-counted as Minor courses; extra selectives and electives may be used towards the minor. If a minor is added, students may find that they need to take more than 120 credit hours to complete all of their degree requirements.

Students should plan their programs of study carefully and are strongly encouraged to do so in consultation with a Medical Sciences undergraduate academic advisor.

Program requirements can be seen by following the links to the right. In addition, students must satisfy the requirements outlined in the Academic Regulations and College of Arts and Science Degree Requirements sections of this calendar.

A student is governed by the academic regulations in place at the time of initial enrolment, as long as the degree is completed within the time permitted (10 years). Subsequent changes in regulations shall apply only if the student so elects. Students applying the old academic regulations should consult the calendar of the appropriate year.