Minor in Film Studies

This minor is available to students registered in a 120 credit hour Bachelor of Applied Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Community Design, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Informatics, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) program. It is an inter-University program that allows students to obtain credit hours from any of the participating institutions in addition to Dalhousie: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University, Saint Mary’s University, and the University of King’s College.

A minimum of 24 credit hours in Film Studies above the 1000 level are required. Within those 24 credit hours, students must include:

  • FILM 2311.03: Film Analysis or SMU ENGL 2511.03: Reading Film
  • FILM 2301.03: Film History 1 or NSCAD AHIS 2800.03: Film History and Criticism 1890-1945
  • FILM 3301.03: Film History 2 or NSCAD AHIS 2810.03: Film History and Criticism 1945-Present
  • 9 credits of electives above the 2000 level

* Students are strongly advised to take the core courses as soon as they declare their film minor.


The following courses at NSCAD University and St. Mary's University (SMU) can count toward the Minor in Film Studies. Students will need to obtain Letters of Permission in order to take these classes for credit.

  • NSCAD AHIS 3822.03: Topics in Film History: Hitchcock's Films
  • NSCAD AHIS 3826.03: Topics in Film History: Film Noir and Neo-Noir
  • NSCAD AHIS 3832.03: Topics in Film History: Canadian Cinema
  • NSCAD AHIS 3835.03: Topics in Film History: Contemporary Cinemas of Globalization
  • NSCAD AHIS 3836.03: Topics in Film History: Subjectivities in Moving Pictures
  • NSCAD AHIS 3837.03: Topics in Film History: Out on Screen
  • NSCAD AHIS 3839.03: The Director’s Cinema
  • NSCAD AHIS 3840.03: Art Cinema Histories
  • NSCAD AHIS 3841.03: Cinema and Postcolonialism
  • NSCAD AHIS 3850.03: History and Criticism of Documentary Film
  • NSCAD FHIS 3852.03: Cinemas of Globalization
  • SMU ACST 3305.03: Moving Images of Atlantic Canada
  • SMU ENGL 3313.06: Narrative in Fiction and Film
  • SMU ENGL 3511.03: Film and the City
  • SMU RELS 3356.03: Religions and Film
  • SMU ENGL 3511.03: Film and the City
  • SMU ENGL 2325.03: The Media in Everyday Life
  • SMU ENGL 3826.03: Contemporary Canadian Film and Television
  • SMU FREN 2260.03: Francophone Cultures through Film
  • SMU FREN 2300:03: French Film Comedy
  • SMU HIST SMU 3450.03: Film and History
  • SMU SOSI 3346.03/CRIM 3303.03: Crime and the Media
  • SMU SOSI 4452.03: Atlantic Canadian Film and Television

Contact the Fountain School of Performing Arts for more information.