General Degree Requirements - Writing About Performance PERF 1000   Writing About Performance
What is performance, and who counts as a performer? Why is performance one of the most ancient and durable aspects of human community and interaction? Why do we adore certain performers and despise others? How are performers and their choices shaped by their societies, and vice versa? This course will explore these questions by looking at some of the vital roles fulfilled by theatrical, musical, and cinematic performers in global societies, both ancient and modern. Via readings of articles and plays as well as in-class screenings of film and video performances, it will consider the performer's role in shaping, embodying, and questioning societies' conceptions of beauty, morality, religious faith, gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and more.
NOTES: PERF 1000.03 and PERF 1001.03 or PERF 1000.03 and PERF 1002.03 satisfies the Arts and Science Writing requirement.
  • Lecture
  • Tutorial