Combined Honours - Comparative Politics I: Developed Democracies under Pressure
POLI 2301 Comparative Politics I: Developed Democracies under Pressure
The course surveys the methods and scope of Comparative Politics. It does so through an examination of what have been the two major prototypes of democratic systems in the contemporary world: liberal democracies (industrial, capitalist nations) featuring examples of presidential systems (USA) and parliamentary models (UK and Japan); and illiberal democracies as found in some post-communist (Russia) and emerging industrialized states (Mexico). After a general overview of the nature of these classifications, countries from each will be studied in depth. Concepts and theories which are useful for comparing political life in various countries will be discussed. In each case, contemporary trends which put democratic practices under pressure or threaten their continuity altogether will be introduced. It is paired with
POLI 2302 on Developing States to provide the core undergraduate requirement in Comparative Politics
PREREQUISITES: 1000-level Political Science course or King's FYP recommended.
POLI 2300X/Y